My Book Club’s Five Most Memorable Reads
Whenever someone asks what the best books my book club has read, these are the five that immediately come to mind.
My Five Favourite iPhone Photo Apps
The five iPhone photography apps I use time and again to edit my photos and to keep a handle on the number of photos stored on my phone.
Four Cities You Can Conquer In Four Days
Four cities that you can absolutely conquer over the course of a four day trip if you’re needing to escape your house, your spouse or your kids for an extended weekend away.
Kara, Bobby & Jake
The bond between these three was a privilege to capture. The light didn’t hurt, either.
Ten Days in Scotland
One sunny June afternoon last summer, Eoin and I were sitting out on the back deck when he said those magical words that most everyone wants to hear: “We should take a trip somewhere.”
Three Days in Charleston
That time I walked the length of Charleston Peninsula THREE TIMES in just one day.
Sticks: A Love Story (Felicia, Adam & Eli)
One thing is for sure about these friends of mine- there is no shortage of personality between the three of them!
100 Days of Photo Prompts
One hundred days of photo prompts to get you feeling more confident behind the camera.